Review areas

As a result of issues that have been raised in the reports by Professor Jay and Louise Casey, in parliamentary evidence sessions, and in the media, and raised with the Commissioner by SYP, partner agencies, victims, survivors and their families, serving and retired police officers, and concerned MPs, councillors and members of the public, the themed areas of the Drew Review are:-

  • Culture

Is the current organisational culture across the four districts a help or hindrance to future openness and transparency?

  • Effective appropriate leadership

Are SYP leaders effectively driving the fight against child sexual exploitation?

  • Performance

Has a target-focused recording of crime mentality prevented SYP from effectively tackling child sexual exploitation sooner?

  • Victim focus

Is the victim at the forefront of all policing decisions within SYP?

  • Scale

Is the scale of the problem confined to Rotherham, or county-wide?

  • Partnership working

Do current partnership relationships allow for open and honest discussions to take place, with free exchange of information?

  • Prosecutions and case-building

Has SYP encouraged case-building against perpetrators of child sexual exploitation, acknowledging the intricacies of information gathering?

  • Resource management

Does current SYP technology allow for the effective recording and sharing of information and data regarding child sexual exploitation?

The review will establish whether the failings and subsequent learning from these identified by South Yorkshire Police has been exclusive to Rotherham, or is inherent across the force area.




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